Along with spending more time eating together, the survey also found that standards of behaviour get more relaxed the longer a couple is together. 除了花更多的时间一起就餐,这项调查还发现一对情侣在一起的时间越长,他们的行为标准就更加轻松随意。
Students will continue spending time and effort working on English because each point counts for college admission with the same standards, Yu said. 学生们仍然会花费时间和精力在英语上,因为录取的标准相同,每一分对于最终的录取都至关重要。
And even if the official numbers turn out to be right, the prospects for both GDP growth and consumer spending look dire as living standards stagnate because of rising inflation. 就算官方的数据是正确的,由于不断增长的通货膨胀的影响,国内生产总值和消费增长的前景仍可堪忧。
Increased spending for pay and subsidy raises for military personnel to keep their living standards in step with the nation's social and economic development and with the increase of the per capita incomes of urban and rural residents; 在社会经济发展和城乡居民人均收入提高的情况下,保证军队人员的生活水平能够同步提高,调整军队人员的工资、津贴标准增加的支出;
China says its defence spending is moderate by international standards and that rapid increases are needed to modernise its long-neglected forces. 中国表示,以国际标准衡量,中国的国防支出属于中等水平,这种迅速增长是为了满足长期被忽视的军队现代化需求。
Concluded that coverage and the level of social security in rural areas will not only can alleviate the uncertainty of rural residents, increasing consumer spending; also conducive to development in rural economic, promote the improvement of living standards. 本文研究结论认为,增加农村社会保障覆盖率和保障水平,不仅有利于缓解农村居民消费不确定性,增加消费支出,也有利于农村经济发展,提高农村居民生活水平。